La ciudad en cuatro poetas en lenguas indígenas mexicanas




literatura mexicana, poesía indígena, ciudad, comunidad, testimonio


The purpose of the essay is to explore the perception of the city from the perspective of four poets that shape the spectrum of contemporary Mexican indigenous poetry: Karen Peñate (Tumbalá, Chiapas), Mikeas Sánchez (Chapultenango, Chiapas), Martín Tonalméyotl (Chilapa de Álvarez Guerrero) and Wildernain Villegas (Mérida, Yucatán). The analysis begins the journey —about the presence of the city— from the mythical to some key moments of 20th century Mexican literature to finally inquire into the configuration of the city in the works of these four writers; pausing in each poem leads us to expand the discussion around the dynamic, problematic and fluctuating notion of "indigenous literature", as well as the topics attributed, by prejudice or inertia, to the poetic production in native languages, such as nature or lyrical landscaping. However, I stop at the representation of the city that becomes a space on which a critical gaze is exercised, even in intersection with the community space. Similarly, writers' testimonies of the city's presence as a catalyst for writing are integrated. This valuable contribution from each poet will allow reflection on the close interaction between the author and the poem, for this exercise I rely on Helena Beristáin. Likewise, on Luz María Lepe Lira regarding the types of indigenous literature and the postures of resistance.


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How to Cite

Naranjo Zavala, Krishna. “La Ciudad En Cuatro Poetas En Lenguas indígenas Mexicanas ”. Connotas. Revista De crítica Y teoría Literarias, no. 23, Aug. 2021, pp. 135-63, doi:10.36798/critlit.v0i23.387.
