Panegyric, deliberative and judicial: a reading of the “Discurso por Virgilio” of Alfonso Reyes
rhetoric, speech, nationalism, humanities, educationAbstract
In 1931 Alfonso Reyes published “Discurso por Virgilio” in the magazine Contemporáneos. Literary criticism has dedicated several pages to its study; however, it Alfonso Reye’s text still has something to tell us. The aim of this article is to make a critical approach to “Discurso por Virgilio” from the perspective of classical rhetoric. To this end, I base my work mainly on the classification of discursive genres into genus demostrativum or epidictic discourse, genus deliberativum or deliberative discourse and genus iudiciale or judicial discourse. With this, I intend to delve into the meaning and pragmatics of “Discurso por Virgilio”, placing it in three different levels of understanding: 1) as a praise to the work and fi gure of Virgil; 2) as an educational and cultural political proposal in a nationalist environment; and 3) as a defense in favor of the work of Alfonso Reyes and of the humanities in general.
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