Karageorgou-Bastea, Christina. Beyond Intimacy. Radical Proximity and Justice in Three Mexican Poets. Montreal & Kingston / McGill-Queen’s UP, 2023


  • Gabriel Osuna Osuna Universidad de Sonora, México




Abigael Bohórquez, Myriam Moscona, Gloria Gervitz, poesía mexicana, proximidad radical


Professor Christina Karageourgou-Bastea (Vanderbilt University) presents in her book an in-depth interpretation of three fundamental works for understanding the substance of the poetic word in Mexico. These are Poesida (1995) by Abigael Bohórquez, Ansina (2015) by Myriam Moscona and Migraciones. Poema 1976-2020 (2020) by Gloria Gervitz. Without ignoring their historical context, the works analized in Karageorgou-Bastea’s book are studied in dialogue with great monuments of literary history, both in the Latin American sphere, as well as in the general Anglophone and European spheres. This approach to Mexican poetry gives to the reader a deeper understanding of the essence of the poetic work as an enunciative act.


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Karageorgou-Bastea, Christina. Beyond Intimacy. Radical Proximity and Justice in Three Mexican Poets. Montreal & Kingston / McGill-Queen’s UP, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9780228016441



How to Cite

Osuna Osuna, Gabriel. “Karageorgou-Bastea, Christina. Beyond Intimacy. Radical Proximity and Justice in Three Mexican Poets. Montreal & Kingston McGill-Queen’s UP, 2023”. Connotas. Revista De crítica Y teoría Literarias, no. 27, July 2023, pp. 224-31, doi:10.36798/critlit.v0i27.500.
