Code of Ethics

In order to guarantee both a harmonious relationship between the parties involved and the quality of its published content, Connotas urges authors, per-reviewers, members of the Editorial Board as well as of the Scientific committee, to maintain the highest standards of intellectual and scientific integrity.

Duties of the Director:

  • Consult the Editorial Board to solve conflicts related to the journal's editorial policy.
  • Summon the Editorial Board to regular meetings with a minimum frequency of once a month.
  • Grant official proof or evidence to the reviewers for each review issued.
  • Check the validity of the journal's legal records.
  • Guarantee that the publication process complies with copyright regulations.
  • Manage material and human resources with the corresponding institutions to ensure the proper functioning of the journal.

Duties of the Editorial Board:

  • Select and assign the reviewers of the papers received by the journal, based on their experience as researchers on the related topic.
  • Communicate the results of the review process to the author.
  • Keep the reviewers’ identity confidential.
  • Reject those paper proposals that are published in other printed or digital journals, as well as those that constitute total or partial plagiarism.
  • Carry out a basic assessment of the papers received before they are sent for external review and notify the authors of this decision.
  • Solve conflicts that may arise in the review and editing processes, based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE).
  • Propose initiatives that lead to an enhancement of the journal in its different aspects: quality, visibility, presentation.
  • Assist in the editing process.

Duties of the reviewers

  • Declare and explain if there is any conflict of interest in reviewing a paper.
  • Treat under terms of confidentiality the paper whose review you have been assigned.
  • Keep the secrecy of your participation as a reviewer even after the work has been published.
  • Do not transfer your reviewer role to other researchers.
  • Issue your verdict according to the merits and/or weaknesses of the assigned paper, relying on the Online Review Form that is available to you.
  • Send the results of your review within the period established by the journal.
  • Do not quote or copy the text that has been entrusted to you.

Duties of the authors:

  • Submit unpublished paper proposals that are not currently in other editorial processes.
  • Follow the Submission Guidelines stipulated by
  • Sign and provide the NON-EXCLUSIVE USE LICENSE document in physical format once your paper has been accepted for publication.
  • Correct, expand or improve your papers, once they have been accepted for publication, taking into account the reviewers’ comments and suggestions.
  • Send corrections of your papers within the period requested by the journal.


The following behaviors are considered unacceptable:

  • Plagiarism: partial or total reproduction of someone else’s work, published or unpublished, without proper reference. Any paper that incurs in plagiarism will be rejected.
  • Simultaneous application of the same article for different publications. The identification of this will result in the disqualification of the article as a candidate for publication or in the automatic cancellation of the review process, as the case may be.
  • Corruption or manipulation of the arbitration/review processes. If a conflict of interest is detected in a review, this result will be annulled, and the reviewer involved will be dismissed. After which, the paper will be assigned to another reviewer.
  • Indication or suggestion by the reviewer in the Online Review Form that their own publications must be taken into account to enrich or improve any aspect of the reviewed paper.