Violence and masculinity: male subjectivities in “El cazador” and “Al acecho” by Eduardo Antonio Parra
violencia, masculinidad, subjetividad, espacio, monólogo interiorAbstract
Although the generation of violence in Eduardo Antonio Parra's narrative is usually associated with the frontier and marginality, it is pertinent to observe it through the search for domination: a masculinized logic of power. Thus, this essay aims to study the representation of male violence in two stories by this author. It is proposed that the mixture of perspectives on predation in "El cazador" and the remembrance of fratricide in "Al acecho" show how the hierarchy of masculinity shapes the subjectivity of the protagonists. While considering gender studies, it is feasible to mention that the establishment of the masculinity mandate turns the characters into victims and victimizers of their peers. This analysis points out the conflicting logic of power that is established in the men of the narrative through an examination of the literary elements and the configuration of gender.
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