Towards an advent of unreality in narrative: the discussion Besant, James, Stevenson and Borges


  • Juan Fernando Mondragón Arroyo Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México



The art of fiction, Stevenson and Borges, James and Borges, verisimilitude, mimesis


The objective of this paper is to contrast three essays, by Besant, James and Stevenson, contemporaneous and similar to each other since they debate the capacities that the narrative has to capture reality with verisimilitude, understanding the concept of “verisimilitude” according to Aristotelian terms. In a second moment, the paper makes a comparison between the poetics proposed by these three essays, (especially in relation to the importance of the themes), with the creative project of Jorge Luis Borges, mainly through his texts: “El arte narrativo y la magia, “El arte de contar historias” and the prologue to the novel La invención de Morel. A clear link is found with Stevenson's postulates, and it is concluded that narration must be an operation that is categorically opposed to reality, considering, mainly, the mastery of the act of narrating itself, and at the same time, the craft of creating themes that surprise and captivate the reader's imagination. The paper is relevant in situating Borges's poetics under the lens of this discussion, and in emphasizing the relevance of thematic studies in this author.


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How to Cite

Mondragón Arroyo, Juan Fernando. “Towards an Advent of Unreality in Narrative: The Discussion Besant, James, Stevenson and Borges”. Connotas. Revista De crítica Y teoría Literarias, no. 30, Jan. 2025, doi:10.36798/critlit.i30.527.
